Sunday, 25 September 2022

Funscript on the CHM! New CHM V.0.9.7

YES! The CHM now supports Toy-Code* (Tcode) to sync your CHM to porn.

There are many apps that support Tcode, for example MultiFunPlayer, that is opensource and allows you to play videos scripted with the ubiquitous .Funscript format: Funscript example.

 * Tcode supports many channels for multiple motors and actuators, remember the active channel for the CHM is the V0 channel.


  1. bro is it working with cable connection except bluetooth version?

    1. Yes, it works with Usb Connection too

    2. I connectef via USB but the multifunplayer showing the serial is disconnected

  2. Can you describe how to use MultiFunPlayer with the CHM? Is new or updated CHM hardware required? What is the sequence of operations using MultiFunPlayer and the CHM V.0.9.7 software? (For example, does one connect using the CHM V.0.9.7 software and then start MultiFunPlayer?)

    1. Hello!
      Multifunplayer is standalone, there's no need for CHM software.
      To use Multifunplayer you have to upload the new updated sketch into your Arduino(

    2. Hello. I am very impressed. I have the CHM working woth CH video but cannot get arduino to connect via USB to MultiFunscriptPlayer ? Do you have any tips on how to connect please ?

    3. I am getting there slowly but still no result with funscript. I have loaded the V2 code and set up Multyfunplayer which connects fine to the arduino, Loaded a vid ontp MVP and the script onto all axis of MFP but pin5 refuses to act as an output ( int PWMPin = 5;).
      Any idea whats going wrong here ?
      Is there something else I need to do to make pin 5 follow the script ?
      Thanks again...?

    4. Hello, I now see the problem. Multifunplayer version 1.26.1 only has axis controls L0 to L2 and R0 to R2. but CHM needs V0. to work. Which version of MFP did you use please ? Thanks

    5. OK sorry for all the noise. I worked it out. You have to make a custom device in the settings and add the V0 output yourself. I am using version 1.26.1 of MFP which is the latest one. Many thanks Bill.

  3. Thank you for the fast reply. The Machines that I purchased from you some time ago came with the electronics sealed inside a purple plastic project box. In order to upload a new sketch, do I need to cut open the plastic box to expose a USB Port?

    1. I didn't realize you had an old CHM Pro, In this case I'd suggest you to build a new one from scratch using an Arduino board since the update process is a bit convoluted and you need an Arduino board to do it anyway.

  4. Hello! I just recently came back to check on updates since I purchased one a few years ago. As the person above mentioned, I also have an older purple box version of the device and I was wondering if it would be worth it to get a new version to use this new app? I don't really know how widespread and used this TCode framework is.

    Also, I was wondering if you've looked into making a handsfree version or adapter as well? Currently using some rubber bands to keep it on kinda works, but isn't the best to get it to sit in a good position.

    Lastly, is there any plans on feature enhancing the CHM software to expand on the screen detector functionality? Currently it's not that accurate in a lot of videos, due to a mix of the graphical design choices and the video quality. And ofcourse it doesn't work at all for videos without any visual meter. I'm guessing this is why you've added the option for TCode in the first place.

    Thank you.

  5. Well this is amazing. Do you have any plans to add code to extract the motion data as well or are you just going to stick with the vibration output ?

  6. Hi! You DIY is super, im use with small vibromotor. Did you think about second chanel, to use some other vibro scenario? I use you scetch with OpenFunscripter. Very impresive. And i think wemos d1 mini (esp32) with wifi, will be grate variant.But I'm dont undestend programming =(
