Wednesday, 18 March 2020

CHM software version 0.9.3 released!

Version 0.9.3 released! Improved performance and a new feature for more fun: vibratory patterns.

Patterns can be easily added and customized by editing "\pattern.txt" in the main folder.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

CHM Arduino shield

Presenting the Cock Hero Machine Shield:
The shield

If you own an Arduino UNO, you can turn it to a CHM with this shield. It connects to a PC via Bluetooth or USB:
Shield + Arduino UNO

All Opensource as always. Find the Gerber files, Bill Of Material and the Arduino sketch Here On Github

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Male vibratory stimulation

In the next posts I'm going to show how to build one cheap but very effective vibrator for the Cock Hero Machine.
Obviously you can hack any commercial toy you want, the thing is that the right vibration for male stimulation is around 100HZ with an amplitude of 2.5mm, and most off-the-shelf vibrators achieve much less than that. Usually a small motor with an unbalanced weight is used to produce the vibration, but to obtain the right frequency and amplitude, a much bigger motor would be needed.

This DIY alternative is easily achievable and works great, all you need is a good soldering iron, a drill and a few other items readily available on Ebay or Amazon.