Tuesday, 27 October 2020

CHM on Android!

Play with the Cock Hero Machine using any Android devices!

Installation is very simple:
  • Download the .apk file on your Android device and tap the icon to install it.
  • Power up the CHM.
  • Activate the Bluetooth connection on the Android device and pair it with the CHM.
  • Launch the application, tap on connect and choose the CHM Bluetooth connection from the list.
DONE! Now just set the speed with the slider and use the start/stop button to edge. 😍😍😍

This application is very low profile, you can leave it installed on your phone, no one would ever be able to guess what it really is for. 
It was built using MIT App Inventor. In the true spirit of the CHM project, the code is of course open source.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Cock Hero Machine now on Linux!

Good news everyone! New CHM Python3 script for Linux is now available at GitHub!

Ubuntu example:

To run the script in Ubuntu is quite easy since Ubuntu already comes with Python3 installed,

just download the necessary libraries:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ sudo apt install python3-opencv
$ sudo apt install python3-tk
$ sudo apt install python3-xlib
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk
$ pip3 install pyscreenshot
$ pip3 install pyxhook
$ pip3 install pyserial
$ pip3 install pygame
$ pip3 install mss
$ pip3 install pillow

and run the program:

$ python3 ./CHM_FOLDER*/CHMachine.py
*Change this with the script  location on your machine

If the serial port does not work, it might be necessary to set access permission:

$ sudo chmod 777 /dev/YOURSERIALPORT*

*Change this with the CHMachine serial port on your machine

Bluetooth CHM:

If you have a Bluetooth CHM, after you've paired it with your computer you may need to bind the Bluetooth device to the serial port, use the hcitool and rfcomm commands. Example:

Scan for Bluetooth devices:
#hcitool scan
Scanning ...
    20:15:12:08:62:95   HC-05

Now bind the serial port rfcomm0 using the rfcomm command:

#sudo rfcomm bind 0 20:15:12:08:62:95 1

then set permission to the port:

#sudo chmod 777 /dev/rfcomm0

Now fire up the CHM, launch the software and hit connect. Have fun!

Monday, 15 June 2020

Cock Hero Machine v.0.9.4, New savestate function

New CHM release

Bug fixed, a bit of revamping and new savestate function: it is now possible to save the settings at any moment(F11) to load them back later(F12) so you don't have to take screenshots and fiddle with the scrollers every time you want to replay your favorite cock hero videos, also useful for beatmeter that change location and/or shape from time to time.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

CHM software version 0.9.3 released!

Version 0.9.3 released! Improved performance and a new feature for more fun: vibratory patterns.

Patterns can be easily added and customized by editing "\pattern.txt" in the main folder.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

CHM Arduino shield

Presenting the Cock Hero Machine Shield:
The shield

If you own an Arduino UNO, you can turn it to a CHM with this shield. It connects to a PC via Bluetooth or USB:
Shield + Arduino UNO

All Opensource as always. Find the Gerber files, Bill Of Material and the Arduino sketch Here On Github

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Male vibratory stimulation

In the next posts I'm going to show how to build one cheap but very effective vibrator for the Cock Hero Machine.
Obviously you can hack any commercial toy you want, the thing is that the right vibration for male stimulation is around 100HZ with an amplitude of 2.5mm, and most off-the-shelf vibrators achieve much less than that. Usually a small motor with an unbalanced weight is used to produce the vibration, but to obtain the right frequency and amplitude, a much bigger motor would be needed.

This DIY alternative is easily achievable and works great, all you need is a good soldering iron, a drill and a few other items readily available on Ebay or Amazon.